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Burwell Fen is an area of farmland that is now returning fenland. It is part of the historic Wicken Fen and is annually flooded in early November.
Burwell Fen is a mixture of open water, reedbed, hidden dykes and ditches and rough grazing land for Highland Cattle and Konik Horses.
Winter brings large flocks of bläsand and other common ducks. The area is regularly visited by sångsvan and the occasional mindre sångsvan. jorduggla can be seen hunting over the area.
During spring and autumn the Fen attracts passing waders and in the summer the Fen call of rörsångare and sävsångare and the reeling of gräshoppsångare can be heard.
Throughout the year brun kärrhök can be seen quartering the fen and these are joined by blå kärrhök in the winter.
Burwell Fen and Wicken Fen are also famous for the rich and diverse insect and butterfly life.
Burwell Fen can be accessed from several different places. You can park at the main visitors centre for Wicken Fen, Lode Lane, Wicken, Ely CB7 5XP. Alternatively, you can access the fen by parking at the small car park at Cock Up Bridge at the end of Factory Road, Burwell (52.29854, 0.29314). From these locations you need to cross the bridge at Cock Up to get onto the fen. For those coming from the Reach area you can park at the end of Split Drove (52.284113, 0.272322) on Tubney Fen and cross the cycle bridge onto Burwell Fen.
The circular trail displayed on the map is about 3,4 miles (5,5 km).
If coming to Burwell Fen from Reach you can check out Tubney Fen for a variety of farmland species.
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