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Berry Head is a promontory at the Southern end of Torbay.
Berry Head National Nature Reserve is a very high mostly flat topped headland. Mostly known as a seawatching site and for it's seabird nesting cliffs. It is also known as a good site (with many rarities) for arriving/departing landbirds and wintering warblers. PLEASE NOTE AS OF JUNE 2024. The quarry on the North side of the headland is now closed and the local authority have installed gates, because of anti social behaviour over a number of years by fisherman, sometimes on an industrial scale. One of the best seawatching sites on the south coast is now off limits to birdwatchers, of course those wishing to seawatch at this site can still continue to do so from the upper headland. The STAR on the map is the site of a seabird nesting cliff. For migrant landbirds check tree/shrub areas on rear Western slopes.
From Torquay/Paignton the A3022 road runs to the site, look for signs to Berry Head when approaching the fishing port of Brixham, or if near Brixham breakwater head east towards Berry Head Hotel, on this road there is a car park at the top.
BE WARNED THIS SITE HAS VERY HIGH CLIFFS, extreme caution is required.
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