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The highest chalk sea cliff in Britain, rising to 162 metres. Beachy Head is a great place to watch bird migration.
Look out over the sea, explore the farm land and scrub. Shooters Bottom is a must if in the area are of scublan with many migrants visiting.
Follow the coast road from Eastbourne and its signposted. Click on a P in the map to go to that parking place.
Beachy Head is a great place to watch bird migration. You can experience falls of passerines, seabird and raptor migration. Also many scarce and rare birds are seen here. Birds can be found all over the headland. Good areas include Cow Gap, the garden of the Beachy Head pub, a stand of hawthorns on the chicane bends known locally as "the old trapping area", Shooters Bottom and the Belle Tout and Birling Gap areas. These areas are indicated on the map with a star.
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