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Leicester's largest local nature reserve is a mosaic of pastures, trees, river margins and small ponds, criss-crossed by many paths.
Aylestone Meadows forms the southern end of the Leicester riverside that stretches through the heart of the city to Watermead Country Park in the north. In the past, a large area of the flood meadows was used as a landfill site and today the landscaped mound is used as a sports pitch. The mixture of aquatic habitats, grazed meadows, ponds and rough grassland provides a rich and diverse habitat for much wildlife. Some parts of the park are designated as Local Nature Reserve and support wetland and grassland species particularly in the flood meadows where longhorn cattle graze. Among the birds you can encounter are Kricka, Smådopping, rödhöna, vattenrall, strandskata, enkelbeckasin, Silkeshäger, kungsfiskare, korp, sävsångare, Sävsparv, ärtsångare, forsärla, domherre and in winter storskrake.
Aylestone Meadows is located along the banks of the River Soar a couple of miles south-west of the city centre. Bounded by the Aylestone and Narborough Road it has easy access by foot, bicycle or bus. There are several parkings. Click on a P in the map to get directions to a parking.
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