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A beautiful semi-urban walk through woodland and cliffside habitats. Pilgrimsfalk frequent the cliffs during the breeding season.
The Avon Gorge is a beautiful location with a wide variety of birds. The highlighted species of the gorge is the Pilgrimsfalk. They can be seen throughout the year with the best time being June as they soar in the skies above.
The walk through the gorge takes in some lovely woodland. korp have been known to frequent the woodland along with more common species such as gransångare, stjärtmes, ringduva and gärdsmyg. It's also a great spot to watch nesting kaja flying to and from the cliff faces.
Avon Gorge is located north-west of Bristol city centre. Parking can be found all along Circular Road. Click on the P in the map for directions. There is also a good public transport link from Bristol into Clifton Village.
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