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St John's Lake is part of the tidal estuary of the River Tamar. This wide estuary near Torpoint is excellent for spotting ducks, waders, divers and grebes.
St John's Lake is part of the tidal estuary of the River Tamar. It is an outstanding wintering spot for waders and wildfowl as well as being a stopover for migrating gulls and terns. Virtually anything can turn up here, including nationally rare birds. The mudflats exposed at low tide are rich in bivalves and other invertebrates and therefore provide important feeding habitat for wintering wildfowl and waders. Check local tide times, for birding it is really good here 3 hours either side of high tide. Be aware that low winter sun can be a bit of a problem and that a telescope is needed. Birds for which the area is important are storspov, prutgås, the wintering population of rödspov and gluttsnäppa. Also notable for good numbers of Kricka, bläsand, Smådopping and småspov. Other birds include gravand, rödbena, svartnäbbad islom, alfågel and kärrsnäppa.
On the northern side in the town of Torpoint there is easy access. It's possible to sit in car and watch on a road with many stopping places. This estuary is close to the English Channel so expect species sheltering from extreme weather.
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