
Amble and the Coquet Estuary

Northumberland  >  United Kingdom

Fishing village on the Coquet estuary, with sand and mud flats, river and open vistas. Boat trips around offshore Coquet Island (important for breeding terns).

Tillagd* av Rob Fox
Senast uppdaterad 18 mars 2023


Amble and the Coquet Estuary has sand and mud flats that attract resident, passage and wintering waders, gulls, and wildfowl. Passage migrants, including passerines, are regular. Coquet Island is the main UK breeding site for rosentärna, and also supports breeding Kentsk tärna, silvertärna, ejder, and lunnefågel. There are several car parks in Amble village (the fish quay is a good starting point) and lay-bys on the A1068 as it follows the River Coquet between Amble and Warkworth.

sångsvan are often in the fields around the River Coquet, while the upper tidal part of the river has regular Silkeshäger and wintering storskrake, småskrake, and knipa. The mudflats have good numbers of waders, including kustsnäppa, kärrsnäppa, spovsnäppa, småspov, and rödbena. A colour-ringed kaspisk trut, with yellow 'PKCS' ring, has been present in late summer for several years. Offshore, between the river mouth and Coquet Island, sjöorre, smålom, and svartnäbbad islom can be present. Rarer visitors have included alkekung, blåhake, blek tornseglare and berglärka (in dunes to north).



Two car parks central in Amble, another off A1068 near the yacht club. Click on a P in the map for directions. Amble is in the England Coastal Footpath and N1 Cycle route. Bus services X18 and X20 operate between Newcastle and Alnwick, both passing through Amble and calling at Alnmouth rail station (8km north).

Terräng och habitat

Spridda träd och buskar , Slätt , Flod , Hav / ocean , Dyner , Strand , Platt , Gyttjig strand , Jordbruk , Stad/by


Platt , Sandigt , Torrt , Öppet landskap , Risk för högvattten



Tubkikare behövs?

Kan vara användbart

Bästa säsong för skådning

Året runt

Bästa tid för ett besök

Vår , Höst , Sommar , Vårsträck , Höststräck


Asfalterad väg , Grusväg , Bred stig

Hur ansträngande vandring

Lätt vandring


Till fots , Cykel , Bil , Båt , Rullstol

Fågeltorn / plattform


Extra information

Coquet Island is operated as a bird reserve by the RSPB and landing is prohibited. Boat trips around the island operate from Amble harbour and are recommended during the breeding season. See the link below.

Note that the harbour breakwater paths are dangerous during east winds, with large waves breaking over them; do not attempt to walk on these in rough weather!


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