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Very interesting wetland reserve in the winter period and the migration period. Good place to see större flamingo up close.
Ras Al Khor is not really known by many bird watchers, but is highly recommended if you are in the area. The wetland reserve includes mudflats, lagoons, mangroves and salt flats and is renowned for attracting migratory birds in large numbers. More than 200 bird species have been recorded. Unfortunately he reserve does not have have a connecting road with the lagoons and mangroves, but who knows, maybe in the future. Species you can expect are större flamingo, Fiskgjuse, revhäger, rödflikvipa, skräntärna, skedstork, långnäbbad mås, Mangrovehäger and vitkindad bulbyl and many waders. See the list below.
You have one main entrance that is open and can be reached via Oud Metha Road. The bird hides are open from 07:30 to 17:30 in the winter period and from April to September they are open longer from 06:00 to 18:00. Two hides are open (situation August 2024), Mangrove Hide (in the south of the area) and Flamingo hide (in the west of the area). The Lagoon Hide is closed for renovation.
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