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Hoverla is highest peak of Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. Its height reaches 2061 m. A hike to the top brings interesting and alpine birds.
Mount Hoverla is the highest mountain in Ukraine and part of the Carpathian Mountains. The slopes are covered with beech and spruce forests, above which there is a belt of sub-alpine meadows. This is definitely the most picturesque corner of the Ukrainian Carpathian highlands. The hike to the top is relatively easy and offers some of the best views in the Ukrainian Carpathians and a chance to see very nice and interesting birds. If you a very luck you spot tjäder, järpe or slaguggla. But you have a better chance to see birds like halsbandsflugsnappare, tretåig hackspett, alpjärnsparv, ringtrast, Mindre korsnäbb, kungsörn and nötkråka. But many more, see the birdlist below.
Hoverla has some of the best-marked hiking routes. The climb to the top doesn’t require any special equipment and can be done in four hours — going there and back. Of course longer if you take a lot of time for birding. The best time to walk up Hoverla is in the summer season, which lasts from June to late September in the Carpathians. The ascent to the top begins in the tract Kozmeshchyk near the village Lazeschyna.
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