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The largest lake in İğneada Floodplain Forests National Park. Surrounded with a dense forest. A rare and rich wetland with many bird species.
Lake Mert (Mert Gölü) is a hotspot on the Black Sea coast with a very rare floodplain forest ecosystem. The lake is the biggest of several lakes located in the National Park. It is possible to observe many waders, waterfowl and egrets on the lake, but also gives chance to see many passerines around, including vagrants and rarities. It is one of the best places in Turkey to observe spillkråka. But countless other birds can be spotted here. See the birdlist below.
You can get to the Lake from different directions. It is reachable from the beach through İğneada city center, but it is not suitable for cars, only for walking. The southern entrance, which is also the main entrance of the National Park is the only way for cars and gives direct connection to the birdwatching tower.
It is highly possible to have high water in some parts of the artificial road crosses the lake. It is better to be prepared if you plan to reach the beach from the tower, or to the tower from the beach. Except winter, be alert on the free domestic bulls in the area.
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