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If you want to be filled up by birds, this is the bustling habitat complex in Turkey. You will be surrounded by birds at any time in any corner of this place.
There are many reasons to go birding in the Kızılırmak Delta. Especially on the eastern part of the Kızılırmak Delta, there are several big lakes where you can see knölsvan, Trana, gråhuvad purpurhöna, bronsibis and so on. In the delta, you can see vit stork where the couples breed together on the trees. In one tree, you can see several stork nests which is impressive. On the other hand, in the area, you can see many passerine species. Migratory and breeding birds are using the different habitat of delta during the year. In winter, you can see big flocks of wintering ducks or other water birds. During the autumn migration there are hundreds of thousands of passerines which pass trough the delta such as lövsångare, trädgårdssångare, grå flugsnappare, näktergal, sydnäktergal and many more.
On the sea side, you may see ejder and divers. So there is not only the inland water, forest or bush habitats but also sea side might be atractive for birders. Need to be checked out!
brunand, vitögd dykand and rödhuvad dykand breed in the delta. Also, other duck species breed such as årta, gräsand, snatterand and so on. Besides, the area always being highlighted by rare birds of Turkey such as tajgablåstjärt, mindre gulbena, gråhuvad vipa, brunsångare, sibirisk järnsparv, etc. You will be satisfied if you visit this unique place in Turkey.
You can go there by car. Best way to explore Kızılırmak Delta is car. However, the roads on the delta are not good always, especially in the rainy season the roads are muddy and you cannot reach every spot that you want to go. Sometimes it is even impossible to walk on the muddy roads. On the other hand, you can park in several places if they are dry enough. However, you should take into account that in the eastern part, from Lake Balık to Lake Liman, there is a prohibited road to use. For the touristic purposes, there should be regulations that might block you to go futher deep into delta especially by car.
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