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The famous archeological site of Kaunos near Dalyan has the perfect combination of culture and birding. If you go early it's paradise to stroll along the ruins.
The Dalyan Delta is an important natural area for breeding and migratory birds. The ancient ruins at Kaunos overlooking the reed beds towards the sea and with Suluklu Golu (lake of Leeches) can provide some excellent birding. Some of the great birds you can encounter here include klippnötväcka, ormörn , Pilgrimsfalk, svarthakad sångare, blåtrast, purpurhäger, vattenrall, natthäger, Fiskgjuse and masktörnskata. When you go early in the morning you have the ruins by yourself and the birds are most active and visible.
To get there go to the boats at the Kaunos Kral Bahcesi (marked with a star on the map). There is a wooden jetty here and for a small fee you can get a return rowing boat across to the other side to get to the road to Kaunos. Simply get the boat across and when you return from Kaunos the boat will bring you back across the river. When you are on the other side, you can walk the relaxed traffic-free road to the ruins (1,6 km, see the map) and start birding the fields and orchards along the road. In Kaunos itself you have to pay an entry fee and then you can stroll around the ruins. There are many different paths to explore the site. Take at least 3 hours for the whole trip.
It can get really hot between the ruins, so go early (the best choice), or late in the afternoon. And take water with you!
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