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A famous national park for winter tourism, but at the same time a great mountain and forest habitat with many bird species. A lovely location for birding.
Ilgaz Mountain National Park is a dense forest with mature trees in a high attitude. The human pressure is low although there are a couple of ski resorts. Many forest passerines, raptors and woodpeckers can be found are in large quantity in the region. It is a good place to enjoy nature while observing some good bird species such as Krüpers nötväcka, rosenfink, domherre and kungsörn. Additionally, if you are lucky enough, you can observe spillkråka.
The area is only accessible by private car. There are several accommodation opportunities in the area. Walking is the best way to discover the area, but you can tour around with car on a couple of roads between the ski resorts.
The National Park hosts an important population of Brown bears. If you are lucky, you can see them especially in the early hours of the day.
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