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The Stille Reuss is a lake within walking distance of the Flachsee Unterlunkhofen. Many species of water birds and waders can be found here.
The Stille Reuss is a lake that is located 378 meters above sea level. It is an old river arm that is now completely separated from the Reuss River. The area has lakes, reed beds and small pools. Among the birds you can see here are sävsångare, årta, svarthalsad dopping, ägretthäger and svartsnäppa . During autumn migration this is a good place to spot different kinds of waders. See the extended birdlist below.
The best way to explore the area is on foot. Right next to it is a large parking lot and a bus stop. Click on the P in the map to get directions. You can walk around the entire lake (1,7 km).
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