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The Küsnachter Tobel near Zurich is a cantonal landscape conservation area. Ornithologically, the Tobel (ravine) is known for its population of strömstare.
A footpath leads along the stream through the romantic forest gorge to Wulp Castle and Küsnachter Berg. Waterfowl and birds that inhabit the forest can be observed very well from the path. The gorge is a well-known habitat for the strömstare. With a bit of luck, a cuckoo can still be heard here on rare occasions. Other species that can be encountered are forsärla, sädesärla, gråhäger, gärdsmyg, kattuggla, svarthätta, rödhake , större hackspett, and gransångare.
There is a public car park at Küsnacht railway station (10-minute walk to the gorge). However, travelling by train (arrival every 15 minutes) or the popular Zürichsee-Dampfschiff (boat) is highly recommended (15-minute walk to the gorge).
Please note that the ravine is in geological movement. Paths may be closed at times due to landslides. Please do not bathe near waterfalls and, if necessary, point out to others that this is not only bad for the local fauna, but also very dangerous.
Along the path you will also find a geological and a botanical nature trail. On weekends in summer and early autumn, the ravine is heavily frequented by walkers and mountain bikers. A visit early in the morning can be worthwhile.
The area is the subject of a long-term study of the strömstare population by the Sempach Ornithological Institute. In 2021 Irmi Zwahlen took over from Johann Hegelbach, who has been monitoring the population since 1987.
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