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Very good stopover sites for water birds in Switzerland. You can see birds like purpurhäger, natthäger and brun kärrhök and many more.
Le Creux de Terre is the most important marsh in the Orb plain. In autumn, it is one of the best stopover sites for water birds and waders in Switzerland. You can see birds here like purpurhäger, brun kärrhök, natthäger, Sävsparv, mosnäppa, enkelbeckasin and skogssnäppa. It is also a fishing spot for kungsfiskare, herons, eagles and, much more exceptionally, the rördrom. The presence of this rare bird, demanding the quality of its biotope and sensitive to disturbances, demonstrates the importance of preserving small nature reserves on the plains.
Public transport: The nature reserve is just a 20-minute walk from Chavornay trainstation. By car: From the Lausanne - Yverdon motorway take the Chavornay exit. Cross Chavornay. After the bridge, first right, follow the railway track, then the highway. Leave the car in the small retention pond. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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