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Magnificent mountains on the north and south sides of the Binntal valley
Through the Binntal flows the Binna, where you can find strömstare. From the Binntal, you can climb the northern and southern mountains. Due to the differences in sunshine, these are very different. It's worth discovering the differences. During mountain hikes you can find kungsörn and in the parts below the tree line nötkråka. Besides birds, there is a high diversity of plants and insects.
There is a parking available, click on the P in the map. There is also a bus station that is served by the Postbus (check for the latest time the bus returns to Fiesch). The marked walks have a lot of altimeters, especially the walk on the north side of the Binntal. It is wise to be reasonably fit before you start and put on mountain boots. Also bring plenty of warm clothes for the cold(er) peaks.
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