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Ancient Swedish forest that was established as a National Park in 1983.
Tiveden National Park covers 2,030 hectares and is known for its rugged terrain, dense forests, and pristine lakes. The park is rich in wildlife, including moose, deer, wolves, beavers and many birds.
In the forests you can find rare species that belong to this type of old forest such as tjäder, orre, järpe, tretåig hackspett en spillkråka. On the lakes you can observe smålom and storlom.
The easiest way to get to the Tiveden National Park is from the south, from highway 49 between Karlsborg and Askersund. Press P on the map for directions. You can park at the visitor center by the main entrance in the middle of the national park. Most of the national park’s hiking trails start here.
At the visitor center you can get maps of the area. The employees are also happy to tell you where you can find certain bird species. The park offers a variety of well-marked trails that range from easy walks to challenging hikes. The different walking routes are very clearly marked with colored bands around the trees. The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 12 km, but it is also easy to find a shorter route.
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