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A beautiful nature reserve located on the the Swedish east coast. Here you can cross over to different islands and visit the Naturum and why not take a swim?
The most fun part about the Stendörren ("The stone door") nature reserve is that several islands are connected through hanging bridges, meaning you can island hop and explore the Baltic even further out at sea. A popular activity is swimming.
The avifauna at Stendörren consists of typical Baltic bird species like skrattmås, silvertärna, ejder, havstrut, sångsvan and most memorable havsörn. Even the rare skräntärna can be seen at times. In the forests live tofsmes, bofink and other common Swedish forest species. A bird tower is located in the middle of the reserve.
There is a visitors center also called "Naturum" with interesting exhibitions and guidings. The Naturum is always free of charge but mostly open during summer with an adjacent food truck so check in advance regarding opening times (see link down below).
On the E4 from either Stockholm or Nyköping one takes the exit at either Lästringe or Tystberga. From there Stendörren will appear on the signs. There are two parking lots, one at the entrance of the reserve and one in the middle. Press a P in the map for directions to a parking. From the parking the reserve is explored on foot.
The bus 554 from Nyköping and Trosa passes by Stendörren. From the bus stop it is a four kilometer walk to the reserve.
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