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The Sillesjö ponds area offers rich birdlife, especially in winter when you have a great chance of seeing, among other birds, many different birds of prey.
Sillesjödammarna has old constructed ponds on farmland. Behind is a ridge with trees that eagles, among others, seem to prefer. Eagles that have been seen in recent years in the area include: kejsarörn, stäppörn, ormörn, dvärgörn, mindre skrikörn and större skrikörn, kungsörn and havsörn. The area is also rich in röd glada. Other birds of prey that you can encounter in the area are tornfalk, Pilgrimsfalk and blå kärrhök.
Sillesjödammarna is located west of the town of Skurup. It is best to drive around the area on the small dirt roads and scan, and stand and wait in some suitable place where you can see the ponds and tree ridge. It is not possible to drive near the ponds. You have to park in a suitable place and walk the rest of the way. The circular route indicated on the map is about 9 km.
Drive carefully on the narrow paved 70 km roads in the area! Poor visibility in curves and hill crests. Be careful where and how you park! In winter, you should not go around the ridge as it is hunting time. The landowners dislike walking in the area, and there is a risk when hunting is in progress.
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