

Medelpad  >  Sweden

Mingen is a shallow lake in Medelpad. The lake has large amounts reedbeds and the area around Mingen has large areas of deciduous forest.

Tillagd* av Ludwig Gustafsson
Senast uppdaterad 26 december 2021


Waterfowl use Mingen as feeding grounds during the spring migration. Most common among these are salskrake, bläsand, Kricka, sothöna and sångsvan. Some of whom stay during the summer. The large amounts of reeds serve as breeding grounds for birds like brun kärrhök, sävsångare, rördrom, vattenrall and sometimes småfläckig sumphöna. Many of whom have their northermost outpost in the lake (in Sweden). The deciduous forests around the lake attract stjärtmes, steglits, härmsångare, mindre hackspett and many more. The lake is attractive to many birds of prey, mainly ormvråk, tornfalk, sparvhök and blå kärrhök. 190 birds have been recorded in and around the lake.



Parking is done on the road between Skatan and Njurunda, which later connects to E4. You can walk to the birdwatching tower from the parking place. At the parking spot there is a board that informs you about the birds in the lake. The lake can be approached from the north, and watching can be done by in the north part of the lake by "uddarna" although it is harder to find a good view of the lake and it is harder to find parking.

Terräng och habitat

Skog , Våtmark , Platt , Dal , Jordbruk , Vassar , Sjö


Platt , Kulligt , Sumpigt



Tubkikare behövs?

Kan vara användbart

Bästa säsong för skådning

Vår , Sommar

Bästa tid för ett besök

Vår , Sommar , Vårsträck


Bred stig

Hur ansträngande vandring

Genomsnittlig vandring


Bil , Cykel

Fågeltorn / plattform


Extra information

Beware of mosquitoes during June-July.

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