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A small nature reserve around an abandoned sand pit, which in recent years has been inhabited by Sweden's only breeding population of biätare.
Part from the biätare ( 2 pairs summer of 2024) the sand pit also is the home of a colony of backsvala .
Please note: DO NOT ENTER THE AREA EXCEPT AS INSTRUCTED! The birds can be perfectly seen and photographed from the observation platform.
If going by bus take number 146 to the stop Maglarp, then walk SW over the viaduct and follow Hövevägen until you reach the shooting range, then turn S and walk another 100 meters.
If going by car drive road E6 to the Maglarp roundabout, take the western exit and drive to the shooting range.
The biätare are breeding in the sand pit, it is of great importance that they dont get disturbed. Please do not enter the area on alternative routes (there are signs).
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