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Restored lake and wetland that is easy accessible with a walking trail and two bird observation towers.
Lilla Attsjön, also called Byasjön, is located in the small village of Attsjö, on the road between Furuby and Dödesjö. The lake of Lilla Attsjön was drained around 1920 and it was used for grazing until the 1980s. In 2011 work started to restore the wetland, which covers around 55 hectares. The birds returned quickly and now the wetland is a great place for birdwatching and easy accessible with a parking lot, a trail and two bird observation towers. Many different birds can be seen in spring. It is a nice walk between the two birdwatch towers, with forest on one side, and the wetland on the other. Among the birds you can encounter are sångsvan, knipa, Trana, spillkråka, större hackspett, storspov, enkelbeckasin, Fiskgjuse, röd glada and havsörn.
Southeast of Växjö (follow the road from Växjö to Kalmar, exit at Dadesjö). Click on the P in the map for directions to the parking lot. From the car park, you can continue on foot and a trail leads you to the birdwatching towers.
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