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Kungshamn-Morga is a nice nature area with mixed woodland, water, fields and organized paths.
Kungshamn-Morga is a nature reserve with mixed woodland, water, fields (for grazing) and information signs. If you come from the north, the first thing you notice is a coniferous forest with impressive old trees. However, the environment is characterized most by the old and open cultural landscape. It is a scenic mix of idyllic pastures and meadows, ancient forests and lush oak slopes, but also nice views. Among the birds you can see here are buskskvätta, gulsparv, svartvit flugsnappare, Gröngöling, spillkråka, domherre havsörn, dubbeltrast and sånglärka.
The reserve is located on the outskirts of Uppsala south of Sunnersta. By car from Uppsala: take Dag Hammarskjöld's road south through Sunnersta to Flottsundsbron. After that there is a parking lot. Further along road 255, which runs between Uppsala and Märsta, there are three more parking spaces. By bus: UL bus and city bus go to Nåntuna crossroads/Flottsund. Ul bus also goes south along road 255. There are plenty of organized/maintained paths to explore the area.
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