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The island of Hönö has an extreme western location in Gothenburg's northern archipelago. This makes the island an ideal place to watch seabirds.
The island of Hönö is an ideal area to observe seabirds. The nature reserve Ersdalen forms the northwestern part of Hönö. The landscape is mountainous and soil-poor and is characterized by weather and wind. The shoreline is cut into bays and headlands. Watching seabirds is best done from the shelter on Kråkudden, located at the very end of the western part of the island. Among the birds you can see in the area are ejder, svärta, sjöorre, knipa, alfågel, småskrake, storlabb, kustlabb, sillgrissla, tordmule, tobisgrissla, smålom, storlom and havssula.
Take the car ferry to Hönö from Lilla Varholmen, Torslanda. Get off the ferry and continue straight ahead through the first roundabout (so you round the Statoil gas station). Turn right onto Rödvägen at the next intersection and then left onto Ersdalsvägen which leads to a parking lot (in a grove of forests). From here go two paths. The northern one leads to Ersdalsviken and the southern (gravel road) to Kråkudden and the wind shelter. Follow the gravel road until it ends, just under a kilometre. Then turn off towards the water and head west along the beach, over the pebble field, about 300 m and you are at the shelter.
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