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Wetland in lake Sördellen with breeding gråhakedopping and brun kärrhök. The site is best during spring or autumn in conjunction with low tide.
The reed beds of Hålsjöviken are located on the northern shores of lake Sördellen. The strait between Hålsjöholmen and the mainland becomes ice-free in early spring and ducks, geese and swans can gather there before the lakes become ice-free. As the region has few reed lakes, the venue acts as a magnet for such species. Hålsjöviken can be good for listening to näktergal. If low tide occurs in late summer and autumn, the site can attract waders.
Hålsjöviken is located 25 km northwest of the town of Hudiksvall. The site is best viewed from the bird observation tower or from rest areas along the road next to the lake. Click on a P in the map for directions. Many anglers launch their boats at the bird observation tower so please don't block the opportunity to get down to the lake.
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