
Glänås Tåkern

Östergötland  >  Sweden

Tåkern is one of Northern Europe's most important bird lakes. 278 species of birds have been seen at the lake.

Tillagd* av Thomas Andersson
Senast uppdaterad 22 december 2020


Lake Tåkern is an important bird lake. Around 130 species of birds breed in the reserve. The reed bed areas of Tåkern are about 13 square kilometres in size and among the largest in Europe. The reeds around the lake are an important environment for many species, including rörsångare (an estimated 12 000 pairs breed at Tåkern!) and skäggmes. From the reeds you can hear the honking of rördrom. About 50 pairs of brun kärrhök breed at Tåkern. Other reed birds are the sävsångare, trastsångare, vassångare and the vattenrall. Also an important habitat are Tåkerns beach meadows that cover more than 450 hectares. In order to preserve the diversity of the beach meadows and prevent overgrowth, around 800 animals graze at the lake every year. The lake has four visitor areas. Best area to visit is Glänås Tåkern, the area on the south of the lake with a visitor center and a observation tower. Many birds can be seen, from waders to geese, cranes, herons, eagles, hawks, loons, falcons, and much more. See the birdlist below.



For visitors there are four visitor areas around the lake. Best facilities has the Glänås Tåkern area with a visitor center (Naturum Tåkern). Tåkern Visitor Centre, with its unique architecture, is coated with reed from Tåkern. Outside the Naturum there are hiking trails and a bird tower. A small simple coffee corner is available. Click on the P in the map to get directions. A long ramp through the tree canopy leads up to the bird watching tower, which is an experience in itself. From here, you can survey the birdlife at the lake, not least on the islands close to the shore where the skrattmås breed. A roughly four kilometre long footpath goes through forest and across shoreline wet meadows. A boardwalk through the reed bed offers a unique opportunity to go some way into the vast expanses of reed.

Tåkern Visitor Centre and the bird watching tower are accessible by wheelchair. This also applies to the first 500 metres of the footpath.

Terräng och habitat

Vassar , Platt , Spridda träd och buskar , Sjö


Platt , Öppet landskap



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