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Wetland area just before the harbor town of Färjestad. Landscaped large ponds. It is a favourite walking area also for non-bird watchers.
Färjestads Dämme is an area with ponds that is rich in birdlife although there are often many visitors (with dogs). Among the birds you can encounter are kungsfiskare, skäggmes, rördrom, fisktärna, vattenrall, havsörn and röd glada.
Coming from the Ölands bridge take the exit Färjestad, follow the road until the roundabout just before the city (watch your speed, there are cameras). At the roundabout turn right to the parking lot. This one isn't big. If necessary, park across the street (left on the roundabout).
If you drive a bit further to the harbor, there are several restaurants and terraces.
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