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A small wetland in the middle of Hammarskog forest with a skrattmås colony. The area attracts many wetland birds.
The Dalkarlskärret wetland is easily accessible by both car and bike. One can walk around the wetland within 30-40 minutes. There are two observation towers from where you can see birds like rörhöna, tofsvipa and brun kärrhök among others. The area is especially interesting to visit because many of Swedens grebes can be found here during the spring and summer like svarthakedopping, gråhakedopping and Smådopping.
The surrounding forest also has many trails and the part of the forest that is just behind the parking lot has many nesting boxes and is usually full of passerines during the spring.
By car one can drive from central Uppsala towards Enköping. Right outside of Uppsala you turn left towards Uppsala näs and follow the signs towards Dalkarlskärret, there you will find a parking lot adjacent to the area.
By bike (and also by car) one can go south through Uppsala along Vårdsättra. For cyclists, after you have passed Lurbo bro and managed the incline you can choose to continue on the car road or to go left through the forest and follow this car free forest trail, and then continue towards Dalkarlskärret.
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