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One of Gothenburg's highest areas and a great place for watching migrating birds in the autumn.
Brudarebacken is located in the northwestern part of the Delsjö area and is one of Gothenburg's highest locations. It is a bare hill that rises high above the surroundings. From the top of the hill you have a mile-wide view of the whole of Gothenburg and the surrounding area, which makes the area an ideal place to observe migratory birds heading south in the fall. The premises are actually an old mountain of garbage. The vegetation consists of tall grass of various kinds. The surrounding area consists of coniferous and mixed forest with a few small lakes.
To find your way here, turn off the E6 at Lisebergsmotet and follow the signs for Kärralund's campsite. Drive past Sankt Sigfrid's plan and the Radio/TV house and then turn right onto Töpelsgatan and follow the signs Brudarebacken ski slope until you arrive at a large gravel field just below the radio mast at Brudaremossen, from there you can see the large, tall grass-covered old garbage dump. You can also take tram 5 to Töpelsgatan. From there it is about a 1.5 km walk to the hill.
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