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Birdwatching from the shore is best done during migration and can harbour both large quantities of coastal and marine birds, but also rarities.
Great coastal birding can be done all along the coastal road of Horns kustväg with Alvedsjöbodar being a great location to get close to the sea. Birdwatching is best done in the early mornings when it is wind still before the heat haze blurs out the birds that are further out at sea. With these conditions you can see all the resting birds from far and wide.
The coast around Alvedsjöbodar curves inwards offering the birds out at sea some shelter from the wind and encouring them to come closer to the shore. Birdwatching is best done during spring and autumn migration when large quantities of birds rest here. Birds include svärta, sjöorre, storskrake, knölsvan, storlom and smålom. In the spring of 2023 a vitnäbbad islom was stationary in the area for a month and was regularly seen. Making this an interesting location to look out for other marine rarities. Bringing a spotting scope is highly recommended.
Alvedsjöbodar is most easily reached by driving north on the main Öland road 136 until you reach Löttorp after which you take the third exit in the roundabout. After you have passed through Löttorp you follow the road for another 5 km until you reach the coast. Alvedsjöbodar is just on the right, see P in map below.
Horns kustväg stretches for several kilometers and is best explored by driving slowly with the car and carefully keeping an eye out on both the road and the ocean. Occasionaly stopping and exiting the car to get a better look. This road is not paved which can cause dust clouds to form if you drive to fast. The road is also not very wide, so keep an eye out for other cars and show each other respect. Parking can be done along the road where applicable.
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