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Albrunna kalkbrott is divided into two quarries, one is old and not in use, while the other is still used to mine limestone. Both places are filled with water.
Both quarries provide well protected artificial lakes for water birds to breed and is home to brunand and Smådopping. The reeds provide a home for rörsångare and occasionaly vassångare. The surrounding area is dry and comprised of bushland where one might find gulhämpling and höksångare.
The old filled quarry is closest to the parking lots, the other one (not shown on map) lies directly behind that and can be acessed by following the trail. It is important to not stray from the trails as to not disturb any wildlife and to not accidently get to close to the active mining. The filled quarries are deep and the tall edges provide natural platforms from where one can have an overview over the water.
Parking spots can be found along the road 136 between Degerhamn and Albrunna. Be careful, from the parking lot at Albrunna the trail goes through a pasture with cows.
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