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The ferry transfer between the islands of La Gomera and Tenerife offers great opportunities for observing pelagics and whales.
The small island of La Gomera is located 40 km from the island of Tenerife. The ferry transfer between the two islands offers great opportunities to see many pelagic birds like Gulnäbbad lira, kustlabb and makaronesisk lira. And also some species of cetaceans are almost guaranteed. Among them the resident Pilot Whales.
Use best the ferry. The slower the better. It is good to stay outdoors. The Catamaran is too fast and does not offer good observation places, so avoid them. Also whale watching tours might be good for pelagic birds but however, they often remain closer to the shore and I do not know if they might increase the overall disturbance to cetaceans.
Look for a sheltered place and scan the sea with your binoculars. Also flying fish, tuna and turtels might be spotted. It is worth to look for hunting groups of tuna, dolphins and seabirds ( Gulnäbbad lira are dominant during summer times, but expect the unexpected ;-)
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