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Old saltworks that are very rich in birds. More than 150 species of birds can be seen in the area.
In the wetlands of Salinas Viejas and Salinas de Cerrillos there are still remains of the old saltworks. You can walk along the old road to the salt flats, observing the profuse vegetation formed by reeds and some cane fields. You can see numerous birds, as well as a vegetation of salt marshes and sandy areas. The area is full of interesting birds like marmorand, rödhuvad dykand, västlig purpurhöna, bronsibis, rallhäger, skäggtärna, rödvingad vadarsvala, långnäbbad mås, rödnäbbad trut and svartbent strandpipare. And many more, see the birdlist below.
Park on the western edge of Urbanización de Roquetas (click on the P in the map to get directions) and explore from there. On the map you see a 10 km circular walk along the saltworks looping back through the dunes and over the beach. But of course you can also only explore a small part of the trail and just do the saltflats. Any time is good to do it, being careful in summer because of the heat and mosquitoes. Early morning of course, as always, is best for birding.
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