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Monfragüe is located in Extremadura, at the confluence of the Tajo and the Tiétar rivers. This fantastic national park is home to over 280 species of birds.
Parque Nacional de Monfragüe in Extremadura is one of the nicest birding areas in Europe. Here you can see the largest colonies of gåsgam, Black Vulture, svart stork, spansk kejsarörn, hökörn, Pilgrimsfalk, smutsgam and berguv. And checking out smaller birds can reveal blåtrast, iberisk gransångare, mindre hackspett, etc.
There are rocky areas, mediterranean forest and dehesa, which is an excellent zone for red deer during the rutting season and where there is vit stork and gråhäger. The irrigated agriculture is of interest in autumn and winter for the presence of Trana and in some years bergfink. The best time for seeing the greatest varieaty is spring although in autumn and winter, non-breeding species such as Storskarv, Trana, järnsparv and domherre can be present. In July and August is advisable to take advantage of the first and final hours of the day, since the middle part will be very hot.
There are many different and interesting bird areas in Parque Nacional de Monfragüe to visit. They are all described in detail as separate birdingplaces on this website. Click below on 'View Birdingplaces in the area'.
The National Park of Monfragüe is located near Plasencia, Navalmoral de la Mata and Trujillo. It is one the best birding spots in Spain and Europe. Monfragüe offers great infrastructure: well signed trails and safe bird hides for birdwatching and wildlife photography, good parking areas, nice picnic zones, public toilets, restaurants, local accommodation, etc. There are many different and interesting bird areas in Parque Nacional de Monfragüe to visit. They are described in detail as separate areas on Birdingplaces. Click below on 'View Birdingplaces in the area' to see them. On the map below you see the nice 7,5 km circular walk 'Ruta Verde' that starts at the visitor center in Villareal de San Carlos. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the starting point.
Photo National Park Monfragüe by Tanja Freibott, CC BY-SA 4.0,, via Wikimedia Commons.
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