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Piornal is a mountain village on the ridge between the Valle del Jerte and the Valle de la Vera. You can rent a birding cabin at the tourist office.
The bird hide is located in a beautiful area and you see the birds from very close. You are sure to see korp, röd glada, Brun glada, gåsgam and grågam. With a bit of luck you will also see ormörn and dvärgörn foraging in the area.
Espagnol: Piornal es un pueblo de montaña en la cresta entre el Valle del Jerte y el Valle de la Vera. Puede alquilar una cabaña de observación de aves en la oficina de turismo.
The area is only accessible with a guide from the municipality of Piornal. The guide will pick you up with a 4x4 at the town hall of Piornal and take you to the bird hide. At the bird hide there is bait placed by the guide to attract the birds. Information and reservations: 927476242 /
Espagnol: Solo se puede acceder a la zona con un guía del municipio de Piornal. El guía os recogerá en un 4x4 en el ayuntamiento de Piornal y os llevará hasta el mirador. En la cabaña de observación de aves hay cebo que atrae a las aves. Información y reservas: 927476242 /
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