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Marshes in the north of the Doñana Natural Area .
From the visitor center José Antonio Valverde you can explore the marshes on the northeast side of Doñana National Park. This area is frequented by birds all year round. You can see a wide variety of birds of prey, water birds and passerines
Espagnol: Marismas en el norte del Espacio Natural Doñana. Gran variedad de aves rapaces, acuáticas y paseriformes.
Centro de Visitantes José Antonio Valverde is 30 km south of the town of Villamanrique de la Condesa, from where it is signposted. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the visitor center.
Espagnol: Haga clic en la P en el mapa para obtener direcciones al centro de visitantes.
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