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This wetland is one of the more unknown parts of Natural Park of Aiguamolls de l'Empordà. Depending on the water level you can spot many interesting birds here.
Estany de Vilaüt or the Lake of Vilaüt is one of the places belonging to the Natural Park of Aiguamolls de l'Empordà that is more unknown. The deepest part of the lake is flooded more or less permanently, being a haven of tranquility for many bird species according to the seasons. The tranquillity of this wetland has made it an oasis for birds that inhabit reedbeds, rushes and grasslands. Right next to the water you find an observatory. Among the birds you can see here are årta, grönbena, Härfågel, blåkråka, styltlöpare, bronsibis, ormörn, tofslärka and biätare.
To get there, you must leave your car on the side of the Castelló d'Empúries road and walk a route along the plain or by bike for about 1,5 km until you reach the pond area.
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