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Area of ricefields in Extremadura that is rich in birds and where thousands of Trana overwinter and many waders make a stop during migration.
Casas de Hitos is an area of ricefields where thousands of Trana can be seen from October to early March. Also large numbers of vit stork and blåhake overwinter here. Huge concentrations of passage waders stop here for a few weeks every autumn and spring, including rödspov, brushane, småsnäppa, mosnäppa, skärfläcka, kärrsnäppaand ljungpipare. rödvingad vadarsvala and mindre strandpipare breed here when the fields are dry. cettisångare, röd tigerfink, helenaastrild, grässångare and polyglottsångare are numerous. stortrapp and småtrapp can be seen here, but the tall vegetation makes it rather difficult, and svartbukig flyghöna often give good views. svartvingad glada breed and feed in the area.
Take the road from Zorita to Madrigalejo, past the entrance to Embalse de Sierra Brava, past the old railway station, and along the line of eucalyptus lining the main road. At the end of these trees is the Pension Mayve, turn left here, through about 4 km of open grassland and oak wood, and you will come to the rice fields of Casas de Hitos.
Big solar farms have been build in the area and maybe more will be build. This might affect the ricefields and the landscape and have a negative impact on the amount of birds you can see here.
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