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The Sappi Stanger Paper Mill has opened their settling pans for birdwatchers. It contains a bird hide and a small picnic area.
The Sappi Stanger area is considered as one of the top sites on the North Coast (for waders and waterfowl) and is always good for rarities as well as songbirds in the surrounding thickets.
The Sappi Stanger Bird Hide is situated on private land belonging to the paper company SAPPI. Birders are required to attend the visitors office, sign an indemnity form and get the keys for the birding hide. The office is occupied 24/7 and therefore visitors don't need to announce themselves, but can just come at any time.
Further down the road leading to the bird hide, you can find a picnic area consisting of ablution facilities, a braai area and more birding possibilities. The area is also enclosed by gates.
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