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Small rocky island where a breeding colony of Cape Gannet can be observed from very close distance. As well as other coastal birds.
Bird Island Nature Reserve is 3 hectare rocky island in front of Lambert's Bay. The island is a significant breeding site for the endangered Cape Gannet and Crowned Cormorant. The island is connected to the mainland by a breakwater, making it accessible to visitors.
The reserve offers the opportunity to observe Cape Gannet up close, as it is one of only six sites worldwide where these birds breed. The island features a bird hide, allowing visitors to discreetly watch the birds nesting, feeding, and socializing. The best time for a visit is between April and September. In addition to the numerous birds, Cape fur seals can also be observed. They can often be seen sunning themselves on the rocks.
Bird Island Nature Reserve is located just off the shore of Lambert's Bay on the Cape's West Coast. With a bit of luck, you can find a parking space right by the harbor of Lambert's Bay. Press P on the map for directions or coordinates. From the parking, you can walk to the small rocky island at the harbor. There are numerous information boards on the island with information about the coastal birds. There is an entrance fee. The island is not accessible when the sea is rough.
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