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The Vrbje pond is a sanctuary for birds – over 170 species have been spotted in the area.
The Vrbje pond is a protected area located South of Žalec, close to the Savinja River. It stretches over 13 hectares and is the largest stagnant water body in this part of the valley. The pond has diverse and interesting flora and fauna, especially birds, as over 170 species have been spotted here. The wetland is important both for breeding as well as for migrating bird species (e.g. various ducks, herons, waders, grebes). Among the birds that are seen here are dvärgrördrom, årta, svarthalsad dopping, mindre sumphöna, bläsand, drillsnäppa, skogssnäppa, tofsvipa and Smådopping.
Situated two kilometer South of the village of Žalec. Click on the P in the map to get directions. Around the Vrbje pond there is a 3 km long Eco-Learning Trail. There are also several other theme trails close to the pond – the Hop Trail, the Trail along the Savinja River.
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