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Lake Ptuj is with its 346 hectares the largest Slovenian lake. It is very important for wintering and migrating birds.
Lake Ptuj is very important for wintering birds and also represents an important resting place for migratory birds. Many duck species can be observed on the lake – from knipa and stjärtand to the rare bergand and alfågel. Occasionally the sjöorre and svärta. Lake Ptuj is the most important wintering place for the salskrake in Slovenia, who can often be accompanied by the storskrake and rarely the småskrake. The diversity of gulls is especially high at the time of migration. The Smådopping, skäggdopping and svarthalsad dopping can regularly be observed here, whereas the gråhakedopping is rarely to be seen. In winter time we can also spot the storlom and smålom. Flocks of Storskarv, in which dvärgskarv is frequently present, sit on various structures on the lake. Many fields that are surrounding the lake give us the possibility to observe various birds bound to this type of habitat as well. In addition to the fisktärna, the artificial islands on the lake also represent the nesting ground for a large skrattmås colony and individual pairs of the svarthuvad mås.
You get off the train at the Ptuj train station. To get to the lake you have to go towards river Drava, which we crossed a few moments before with the train. By passing an avenue and going through a smaller park we reach the river bank. We continue west, past a round tower towards the pedestrian bridge. You cross the bridge and begin your walk around the lake (10 km) on an embankment. If you visit the lake in a spring or summer morning, your walk should start on the left side of the lake, due to light conditions.
In spring various species of orchids grow on dry meadows that can be found on the southern side of the embankment, among which the three-toothed orchid and the pyramidal orchid are the most numerous.
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