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Sečovlje Salina is one of the last salt pans in the Mediterranean. Fontanigge are located on the south of the salines. A great place for birders.
The Sečovlje Salines are located south of Lucija and consists of abandoned saline buildings, scattered trees and bushes and extensive salt fields (dry, filled with water or muddy, depending on the time of the year.) Fontanigge is located on the southern side of the salines and is a perfect area for many species of waterbirds, like ducks, geese, waders, gulls, herons and during migration many species of migrating songbird.
Common species of duck that can be found here are Kricka, bläsand, årta and gravand. Scarcer species, like vitögd dykand, småskrake and svärta can be found here too. Other regular species of waterbird that can be found here are svarthakedopping, svarthalsad dopping, toppskarv and Silkeshäger.
Waders and gulls can be very numerous, especially during migration. So many species can be observed at the area, like hundreds of kärrsnäppas, svartbent strandpipare and brushane. Large flocks of medelhavstrut rest in the area.
There are too many species that can be found in the area to describe here. Anything can turn up at the area, from ducks and waders to songbirds. A total of 300+ species have been recorded here.
Accessible by car or bicycle. The gates on the road (for cars and road vehicles) are open from 09:00 to 17:00, you can enter it before with a bicycle. However, by car, you can exit the park after they've closed. There is a parking space for about 15 or so cars. The entry fee is 7€/adults and 5€/students, retirees. That is between 1st of April and 1st of November(sometimes later). During that time one has a, included in the initial price, bicycle which the park provides. You can walk or bike in it. It's closed off for cars.
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