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A valley surrounded by mountains with the Mlava River passing through.
The Mlava valley near Žagubica is an isolated valley surrounded by mountains from all sides. The River Mlava passes through the basin, from its famous well near the Žagubica town to the Gornjak Gorge which is the only entry to the valley. Because of that, the habitat and the ecosystem are pretty unique.
The grassy meadows alongside Mlava with a lot of bushes and trees in-between are an ideal place for ortolansparv, kärrsångare, göktyta, and turturduva. Interestingly, the migrating rosenstares find this isolated valley attractive and tend to stay longer a bit, even the signs of breeding had been recorded in year 2012 near the Žagubica town. The last week of May is your best chance to find them.
Take the regional road from Petrovac to Žagubica, passing through Gornjak Gorge and the small Krepoljin valley. The best places to start your exploration are the Olympic Jošanička restaurant, Trška Church, and the fishpond near the very well of Mlava, where the breeding of rosenstare has been recorded.
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