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Small forest area in the southern suburbs of Belgrade.
Not too far in the past, Miljakovac Forest was surrounded by endless meadows bordered with trees and bushes, one step behind the city border. But today, it is surrounded by suburbs of Miljakovac I, II, and III. However, it still keeps some of its old wilderness to be an interesting birding destination in the proximity of the Belgrade city center.
The forest hosts many woodpecker species, including spillkråka, Gröngöling, mellanspett, and större hackspett. The songbirds include my favorites, brandkronad kungsfågel and kungsfågel, usually present around the forrest borders and inside the patches of conifers, as well as the usual suspects like rödhake, gärdsmyg, trädgårdsträdkrypare, stjärtmes, blåmes, talgoxe, bofink, and stenknäck. Also, kattuggla and hornuggla are quite possible. The most productive part of the forest is its most isolated area to the west and southeastern borders. Also interesting and productive is the mosaic habitat with meadows, orchards, and bushes to the east of the forest.
Thare are many entrances from all sides to the Miljakovac Forest, some of them are marked on the map below. Click on a P in the map for directions.
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