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Kraljevac Nature Reserve is an artificial lake on the southwestern edge of the Deliblato Sands formation.
Kraljevac Lake was created when a dam was built collecting the water from several streams flowing down from the Deliblato Sands formation. As the sandy formation is some tens of meters higher than the surrounding plains, these streams have formed characteristic cuts at the edge of the sandy terrace, called 'surduks'. These cuts are now filled with water forming the long and winding Lake Kraljevac, surrounded by reeds, grassy hills and pastures, sandy cliffs, and arable lands. The lake is also characterized by floating peat islands, created when departed peat from the lake's bottom pops up to the water's surface. Although most of them are now rooted and fixed, it still happens that new peat islands are born.
Common birds species include natthäger, rallhäger, gräsand, vitögd dykand, vassångare, trastsångare, and rörsångare. A breeding colony of biätare is in the sandy cliffs just above the north bank of the lake, while empty houses in the village may host minervauggla. Three swallow species present in the broader region can be found here too: ladusvala, hussvala and backsvala. At the northeast bank of the lake lies Deliblato village. In the park around the church steglits, grönfink, and gråsparv are common.
Kraljevac Nature Reserve can be easily accessed from Deliblato village. Head to the Deliblato village or one of the 'P' parking marks on the map below.
The north side of the lake is more accessible, nicer, and bird-rich. Also, many fishing spots - doubling as observation points - are scattered along the north bank of the lake. There are two watch towers on the hills overlooking the lake. They are good birdwatching spots, but also feature a breathtaking panorama of the lake and Deliblato village.
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