Rate birdingplace Kalemegdan Park
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Kalemegdan is the most famous Belgrade park overlooking the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers.
Kalemegdan Park is situated at the 60-metre-high cliff that once was the town field within the Belgrade Fortress. The high position offers some extraordinary views at the junction of the rivers Sava and Danube, as well as a landing spot for numerous birds.
The most common residents of the park are gråsparv, talgoxe, and pigeons. The scattered conifers host numerous gulhämpling in the spring and summer, just to be replaced with kungsfågel and brandkronad kungsfågel in the late autumn and winter. knölsvan, gräsand, Storskarv, and dvärgskarv are beneath the walls at the riverbank, while tornseglare and alpseglare are flying above. svart rödstjärt and Skata are often spotted on the old walls of the fortress. minervauggla finds its home in the holes of old buildings around the park.
Kalemegdan Park is most commonly entered from the city center and Knez Mihailova street, but there are many entrances from all sides. Click P on one of the parking places nearby for directions.
The suggested walking paths are chosen to be the most productive for birding, avoiding the most crowded spots as much as possible.