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It is situated in a depression surrounded by forests. It is part of the Ocna Veche Salts nature reserve. It's been exploited since the roman era.
The area is made up of multiple brackish water surfaces, some of which are used for bathing due to its mineral content. In drier seasons the shallow waters turn into mud baths which attract migrating waterfowl and waders such as brushane, styltlöpare, mindre strandpipare, större strandpipare, grönbena, skogssnäppa, dammsnäppa, skärfläcka and also rails like småfläckig sumphöna. The surrounding wooded areas have their own list of inhabitants. For example dvärguv, sommargylling and sydnäktergal.
The site is located near the Turda Salt Baths. Parking is possible near the baths or at the edge of the forest. Press P on the map for directions. Public transport is possible with bus nr.15 but only in the summer months. Better explored on foot. Allow 1-2 hours for exploring.
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