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Away from the hustle and bustle of the coast this is a wonderful introduction to the "real" Portugal and a great area for birding.
Wild, unpopulated countryside with self-sufficient farms and cork oak forests. Santa Clara Valley is a beautiful walking area and there's an excellent place to stay on the other side of the lake that has been built to blend into the surrounding area and attract birds - search for "Paradise in Portugal" or "Quinta do Barranco da Estrada". There's an excellent hide in the valley itself and "Paradise in Portugal" has a hide in their garden that is aimed specifically at sommargylling - during July they have 40+ in the garden every morning! Quite stunning! Other birds you can see in the area are kungsfiskare, Härfågel, blåkråka, biätare, vattenrall, grässångare, sammetshätta, gulhämpling, helenaastrild and cettisångare. But many more, see the birdlist and photo gallery below.
By car or train. The station is called "Santa Clara Saboia". Click on the P in the map for directions to Quinta do Barranco da Estrada.
I cannot stress this with greater emphasis - check out "Paradise in Portugal" (see the link below) you will not be disappointed, but early booking is normally essential.
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